Board Agenda & Materials
February 19, 2021
The San Joaquin Valley Insurance Authority (SJVIA)
Board will meet on Friday, February 19, 2021 at 9:00am. The
meeting will take place at the
Fresno County
Board of Supervisors Chambers, 2281 Tulare St, #301, Fresno, CA
93721. Links below
include the agenda and items being considered at the
Listen Remotely:
Listen to the live audio stream of the SJVIA meeting
(meeting has ended)
Click the link above or go to and
click "Join"
Webex Meeting Event Number:
Meeting has ended
Event Password:
here to access a recording of the meeting upon completion
Item 5 - Appoint Director Vander Poel to Complete
Director Crocker’s Term as Board President and Serve
through the First Meeting of the SJVIA Board in 2022
Item 6 - Appoint SJVIA Manager and Assistant Manager to
Serve a Two-Year Term
Item 8 - Public Comment
Remote Public
Comment: If you choose not to attend the SJVIA
meeting in person but wish to comment on a specific
agenda item, you will have the opportunity to do so
via the
Webex live audio stream by clicking the link or
using the Meeting Event Number and password above.
In Attendance: If
you attend the SJVIA meeting in person, all
attendees will be requested to engage in social
distancing measures by maintaining a 6-foot distance
from other attendees. Exposed surfaces will be
sanitized prior to the meeting and attendees are
encouraged to avoid contact with surfaces such as
micrphones and door handles. Large groups wishing to
comment on a common item are encouraged to submit
comments in writing or to send one spokesperson to
speak on behalf of the group.
9 - Approval of Minutes
- Board Meeting of December 11, 2020
10 - Receive Update from Auditor-Treasurer on Cash
Flow Projections
Item 11 - Receive Update from Auditor-Treasurer on SJVIA
Financials as of December 31, 2020
Item 12 - Receive the 2020 Audited Financial Statements
Item 13 - Receive Update on Request for Quote for
Securing an Auditing Company to Provide Annual Financial
Services to the SJVIA
Item 14 - Receive Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year
Item 15 - Receive Consultant's Medical, Dental, and
Vision Experience Reports through December 2020 with
Update on Projected Plan Experience Surplus Accumulation
and Projections
Item 16
- Receive Consultant’s SJVIA Actuarially Certified
Incurred But Not Reported (IBNR) Reserve Report as of
December 31, 2020 and Maintain the Fully-Funded Status
of the IBNR Reserve
Item 17 -
Receive Consultant’s Report on Pharmacy Utilization as
of December 31, 2020
Item 18 - Receive Consultant’s Report on Workforce Aging
Item 19 - SJVIA
Director Questions, Announcements, and Activity Reports
Item 20 - Adjourn