The San Joaquin Valley Insurance Authority (SJVIA)
is governed by the Board of Directors which is composed
of seven directors. Four of the directors are
appointed by the County of Fresno Board of Supervisors
and three of the directors are appointed by the County
of Tulare Board of Supervisors. Each of the Board of
Supervisors shall designate other members of their
respective Boards of Supervisors to serve as the
alternate or alternates in the absence of one or more
appointed directors.
The Board of Directors elects from its
membership a President and Vice President to serve two-year
terms. The President, or in his or her absence, the Vice
President, shall preside at and conduct all meetings of the
Board of Directors.
Amy Shuklian, President
Nathan Magsig, Vice President
Garry Bredefeld, Director
Buddy Mendes, Director
Larry Micari, Director
Brian Pacheco, Director
Pete Vander Poel, Director
Eddie Valero, Director - Alternate
Luis Chavez, Director - Alternate