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Community Development Grants Management

The Grants Management Team researches, prepares and manages grant proposals and administers specific grant and loan programs for the Division. The Grants Management Unit oversees grant and loan programs in housing and community development activities.

Community Development activities involve funding and managing infrastructure projects and public facilities improvements. These primarily include improvements to streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and improvements to storm drainage, water, and sewer facilities. Additionally, each year an array of other activities are funded, including community facilities or parks, fire trucks, American Disability Act improvements, and economic development activities.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
 CDBG Application

The following forms are on-line Acrobat fill-in.
You may fill-in, print, and sign; but not save.

 Action  Plan
Consolidated Plan
 Other Reports & Information
  • Joe Serna Jr. Farmworker Housing Program
  • Jobs Housing Balance Grant
  • CalHome Program
  • Housing Preservation Grant
 Project Gallery