The Development Services
Division is comprised of three sections: the Building and
Safety Section and the Land Development, Policy Planning and
Environmental Analysis Section, and the Water,
Geology and Natural Resources Section. The Building and Safety Section:
This section is responsible for the administration of various codes covering the
standards for construction, alterations, additions, and relocation of structures,
including the appropriate building, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical regulations to
ensure the publics safety. Associated activities include the review of
non-residential and residential building plans for compliance with applicable codes
including energy conservation and handicap accessibility, issuance of building and related
permits, investigation of building and zoning code violations, accepting fees for
applications, providing information for land use and zoning inquiries, and the maintenance
of records.
FAQ -- Building and Safety
Q: When is a building permit required?
A: Click here for answer
Q: Can water piping and electrical conduit / cable be
installed in the same trench?
A: Yes, no physical separation is required as long as the trench is deep
enough to provide the minimum burial depth of the electrical conduit/cable.
Q: What is the minimum separation between a septic system
and a water well?
A: A 50-foot minimum separation is required
between the tank and any water well.
A 100-foot minimum separation is required between leach
lines and water wells.
Q: What is required to be completed for a final inspection?
A: All work must be complete except the following:
1. Painting
2. Floor Covering
3. Interior doors and finish
Ordinance Code Title 15
- effective January 3, 2008
Zoning Ordinance (Each Section within the Chapters is fully bookmarked. Each Chapter has the
original Table of Contents with links to the beginning of the other Chapters)
- Chapter 1 General
Provisions, Sections 800 - 803.19
- Chapter 2 Establishment of Land Use Districts and Regulations Applicable Therein, Sections
810 - 850.B.7
- Chapter 3 General
Conditions, Sections 851 - 868
- Chapter 4
Procedures, Sections 870 - 884
Violation Complaints
The Fresno County Development Services Division processes violations on a
"complaint only" basis. If you would like to submit a complaint, please complete
one of the Violation
Complaint forms and submit to the address on the form.
Complaint Form - MS Word On-line Fill-in
Violation Complaint
Form - PDF
The Land Development, Policy
Planning, and Environmental Analysis Sections:
These sections are responsible for the processing of land use
applications, land division, the Countys General, Community and Specific Plans,
transportation planning, air quality planning, urban growth management, CEQA requirements,
Agriculture Preserve contracts, Williamson Act contracts, and Airport Land Use Commission
consistency findings, and project-related Amendments to Zoning Text.
FAQ - Planning
Ordinances etc.
Zoning Ordinance (Each Section within the Chapters is fully bookmarked. Each Chapter has the
original Table of Contents with links to the beginning of the other Chapters)
- Chapter 1 General
Provisions, Sections 800 - 803.19
- Chapter 2 Establishment of Land Use Districts and Regulations Applicable Therein, Sections
810 - 850.B.7
- Chapter 3 General
Conditions, Sections 851 - 868
- Chapter 4
Procedures, Sections 870 - 884
Williamson Act
planning, analysis, and administration of County water related issues. |