The Public Works side has the responsibility for a wide variety of programs and
activities related to roads and bridges for the unincorporated portion of Fresno County.
Responsibilities and services include:
- Design, construction, maintenance and operations of County roads and bridges
(approximately 3,600 miles of roads and 555 bridges = the largest County road system in
- Engineering services for improvement districts, county service areas and County
capital improvement projects
- Development Engineering and County surveying
The Planning side has the responsibility
for a wide variety of programs and activities related to planning, zoning, permits, water,
community service districts, housing, and community and economic development for the
unincorporated portion of Fresno County. Responsibilities and services include:
- Administration of the federal Community Development Block Grant Program,
providing a variety of programs and projects to upgrade low and moderate income
neighborhoods in unincorporated areas
- Operation of the County's regional landfill, administers special districts for
specific unincorporated areas, manages natural resources and solid and hazardous waste
- Provision of planning, environmental and land use analysis, urban growth and air
quality planning, business and economic development assistance, redevelopment and
annexation fiscal analysis, building permits and inspection, entitlements processing.