Friday, May 24th

Results as of May 24, 2013 at 1:00 pm.

Hundreds of County employees have reported thousands of steps!! What a great week!

  • Results by department as of May 24th at 1:00 pm are here!

  • FCERA continues to have the highest percentage of participation at 82%!  Great job!

  • County Counsel still has the highest average steps at 12,524! Way to go!

  • City of Tulare leads with the highest percentage of participation at 48% and highest average of number of steps at 9,301. 

  • Check out this video on how to "Keep it Going" after this week is over! Keep walking!

If you have pictures of your walking group, you may send them for posting by clicking here.

Supervisor Larson leads a walk.

Thank you Supervisor Larson for participating in our challenge!  He set a brisk pace and the group added over 1,000 steps during the lunch hour!  There may have been some competition among Board members!

District Attorney's office getting together for a walk!

FCERA employees are walking.  Retirement 

County Counsel showing off their steps.

Can you read how many steps they have in one day! 26, 607, 24,690, 16,990, 18,541, 15,446 & 13,659! No wonder County Counsel has been showing the highest average steps! Great job!

The Agriculture Department is keeping up on their walks. 

Canine Bella and handler Jo Harper checks for pests. 

 Ag Commissioner Les Wright is pictured below in the cowboy hat leading a walk.   


What a successful week this has been! Stay tuned next week for the final results of Walking Works and for the lucky winners of the donated prizes!