May 2024, 2013

Walking With Supervisor Poochigian on Monday!

Pictures of County walkers on Monday, May 20th.

Pictures of County walkers on Tuesday, May 21st

Pictures of County walkers on Wednesday, May 22nd

Pictures of County walkers on Thursday, May 23rd

Pictures of County walkers on Friday, May 24th

You still have time to record your steps.  Click here.  The survey closes at noon on Tuesday!

Do you have pictures of your walking group or activity? Submit your picture by clicking here.

As part of the County of Fresno's wellness campaign, employees are encouraged to voluntarily participate in the “Walking Works!” challenge. Walking is a form of exercise accessible to just about everybody, is low-impact, and can ease you into a higher level of fitness and health. It's safe, simple and doesn't require practice. The health benefits include helping to lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol), raise high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol), lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of and manage type 2 diabetes, manage weight, improve mood and stay fit.  Click here for a short video on the benefits of walking. 

Program Highlights:  

·         Participation is voluntary and participants walk on their own time.  However, employees are advised to wear a pedometer all day long to count steps including at home (morning/evening) and during the lunch hour.


·         Anthem Blue Cross and Delta TeamCare have donated a combined total of 3,000 pedometers to Fresno for the program enabling employees to wear them and track the number of steps taken each day of the “Walking Works!” challenge.

·       Why wear a pedometer? How many steps? Watch this short video from Bob Sallis, MD.

·    Walk with a member of the Board of Supervisors!  Meet at the David of Sassoon statue at 12:10 on the days below:

  • Monday, May 20th - Supervisor Poochigian (click here to view pictures)

  • Thursday, May 23rd - Supervisor Perea (click here to view pictures)

  • Friday, May 24th - Supervisor Larson (click here to view pictures)

·     Click here for frequently asked questions.  

·     Click here for your Department's Walking Works! Liaison. Description:

·         Free Pedometer Apps: For those employees who own a Smartphone, there are many “free” apps that act as a pedometer. For example, iPhone users may download “Free Pedometer” and Android users may use “Pedometer” as an app that tracks steps and even maps your route.

·         Employees will report how many steps they walk each day by completing a short and easy online survey.

·       The competition is between Departments and the other SJVIA entities and will be based on:

  • Percent of participation in Department/County

  • Average steps by Department/County

  • Winning employees and departments will be recognized.


Have fun, be safe, and DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!