This site lists
the most recent routine inspections, and may include inspection reports
for re-inspections that were required to be conducted based on the
violations observed. Newly
constructed facilities or facilities that have recently changed
ownership will usually have less inspection data available. Historical documents are also listed,
depending on specific record retention requirements, and the imaging
project's current progress.
Inspection information and inspection reports are automatically updated and posted to the website daily,
subject to internal review and workflow processing.
The Fresno County Environmental Health Division
makes every effort to maintain this site with accurate and up-to-date
information. Nonetheless, despite our best efforts, occasional errors
or omissions do occur. If you have a comment about this site, a request
for more information, or if you want to report a data error or
omission, you may contact us by phone, in writing or via e-mail:
Environmental Health Division
1221 Fulton Mall, 3rd Floor
PO Box 11867
Fresno, CA
Due to the time-sensitive nature of foodborne
illness investigations, we ask that you report any suspected case of foodborne illness or food poisoning
directly to this office by calling 559-600-3357 during normal
business hours, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or
sending a FAX to 559-600-7629. |
Pursuant to new regulations, all retail
food facilities are required to post a notice advising patrons that a
copy of the most recent inspection report is available for review by
the public. A copy of the most
recent inspection report must be maintained at the food facility, and
be made available by the operator upon request.
California Uniform Retail Food
Facilities Law (CURFFL) is the section of the State
of California Health
and Safety Code that regulates the operation of retail food facilities.
The operating requirements for retail food facilities food are defined
in this code, along with the criteria of what constitutes a minor or
major violation. Click on the link above to view the CURFFL document in Adobe Acrobat format.
Cross Contamination is the transfer of harmful microorganisms from one food to
another by means of a nonfood surface (equipment, utensils, human
hands), or from storing or thawing raw meat or poultry above other
Preparation is a process in which a food
handler is actively engaged in the preparation of a food item.
Foodborne Illness: Foodborne illness is caused by consuming
contaminated foods or beverages.
Many different disease-causing microbes, or pathogens, can
contaminate foods, so there are many different foodborne
infections. In addition,
poisonous chemicals, or other harmful substances can cause foodborne diseases if they are present in
food. All of these are possible
causes of what is commonly referred to as "food poisoning,"
although the exact symptoms depend on the source of the
contamination. For more
information on foodborne illness please visit
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Foodborne Illness information page.
Violations are those violations observed
during a food facility inspection that pose an imminent risk to public
health and may warrant immediate closure of the facility or immediate
correction. If major violations
are observed, they are check marked on the inspection report and the
violations are documented. A reinspection of the facility is usually required
unless the cause of the major violation is immediately corrected during
the routine inspection.
Violations are those that do not pose an
imminent public health risk, but do warrant correction. A re-inspection may not be required
for observations of minor violations.
Hazardous Food (PHF) is food that is in a form capable of supporting rapid and
progressive growth of microorganisms that may cause foodborne
illness. Examples of potentially
hazardous foods include meat, poultry, seafood, dairy
products such as cheese, milk & eggs, cooked vegetables, cut
melons, sprouts, and garlic in oil.
Ready to Eat
Foods that will not undergo further washing, cooking, or
preparation by the food facility prior to being served to the customer.
Inspection reports for the CUPA Program, since they deal with hazardous
materials, often contain technical information and acronyms. Here
is a list of common acronyms that may appear in the inspection reports:
Automatic Tank Gauging
BTXE = Benzene, Toluene, Xylene
and Ethyl benzene
CalARP = California Accidental Release Prevention
CCR = California Code of Regulations
CESQG = Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity
CP = Corrosion
CUPA = Certified Unified Program Agency
DHS = Department of
Health Services
DO = Designated
EHS = Extremely Hazardous Substance
Environmental Protection Agency Identification number
GC/FID = Gas
Chromatograph/Flame Ionization Detector
HDPE = High Density PolyEthylene
HMBP = Hazardous Materials Business Plan
HSC = California Health and Safety Code
LEL = Lower Explosive Limit
LLD = Line Leak Detector
LQG = Large Quantity Generator
LUFT = Leaking Underground Fuel Tank
MSDS = Material Safety Data Sheet
MTBE = Methyl Tertiary Butyl ether
RMP = Risk Management Plan
SIR = Statistical
Inventory Reconciliation
SPCC = Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure
SQG = Small Quantity Generator
TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
UPC = Unified Program Consolidated
UST = Underground
Storage Tank